
Env Alias #

Sources #

All Env Alias definitions must have a source, exec or value that sets the source content that is subsequently passed to a parser.

Four types of sources are available:-

  • source (local) - any local file.
  • source (remote) - any http-remote object available via a GET request.
  • exec (stdout) - the STDOUT content from a shell-exec command.
  • value (direct setting) - direct assignment of the value.

It is additionally possible to assign the source, exec or value setting through an environment variable itself by prefixing with env: this slightly unusual arrangement is useful when a source needs to be set with content that should not appear in the Env Alias configuration itself.

Configuration Keyword Samples #

    source: "/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf"

Full pathname to config

    source: "~/.aws/credentials"

Home-dir path to config

    source: ""

Remote via http to config

    source: "env:other_environment_variable"

Source location set by the value of the other_environment_variable environment variable.

    exec: "mkdir -p ~/.terraform.d/plugin-cache"

Exec a shell-command to mkdir, the empty response would be ignored

    exec: "head /dev/urandom | base64 - -w0 | tr -d "=/+" | head -c20"

Exec a shell-command to generate a 20 character random value

    exec: "ifconfig | grep 'inet ' | head -n1 | xargs | cut -d' ' -f2"

Exec a shell-command to extract the first ip4-address returned by ifconfig

    value: "foo"

Directly set the content value to “foo”